If you're thinking about bringing life to your condo, then adding a few greens could be for you. There is plenty of condo indoor plant benefits. To name a few: indoor plants purify the air while continuously removing toxins by promoting the flow of oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. Indoor plants can also help you focus on and reduce noise.
Of course, keeping an indoor house plant means you would have to take care of it. Many people think that as long as you keep watering the plants, they will live, when—in fact—there are many other factors in maintaining a plant alive.
Depending on what type of plant you have, there's a couple of things all of them have in common, especially when it comes to maintaining their lifespan. It involves a lot of time, effort, and a little bit of scheduling. For busy millennials, taking care of an indoor plant will significantly depend on their lifestyle, responsibilities, and available time. If you're a millennial with a jam-packed schedule but would still want to own an indoor plant, the following guide is for you:
1. Choose a plant that will compliment your lifestyle
Taking care of your indoor house plant will greatly depend on your lifestyle and environment. If you are always out of the condo, who will be left to water it?
If you are particularly busy, try choosing from a range of functional condo plants like the following: cast iron plants, spider plant, snake plant, pothos, ivy, ponytail palm, or peperomia. These plants require less maintenance and can survive on little sunlight. These plants are perfect for really busy people.
If you have more time on your hands, choose from these plants: Rhipsalis, tradescantia, dieffenbachia, polka dot plant, or Christmas cactus.
Photo courtesy of Huy Phan via Pexels
2. Choose an area that has the right amount of light and shade
Again depending on the type of indoor house plant that you have, it requires a certain amount of sunlight. Your plants should receive the right dose of light exposure for it to survive.
Too much sun exposure can cause your plant to dry. Do your due diligence and research on the type of plant that is made to suit your lifestyle. Another tip is also to make sure or take into consideration how often you would be able to see your plant. Make sure it is always visible to you so that it could signal a reminder for you to either water it or move it away from the area that has too much heat.
Photo courtesy of Huy Phan via Pexels
3. Know how much water your plant needs
Some plants could survive with only once a week watering schedule, and some indoor house plants could even survive with you only remembering to water it whenever you can. Knowing how to water your plant is an important part. Remember to take into consideration that if your plant is in the shade quite a lot of times, it might take a while for it to “drink” the water. Always remember to strike the right amount of balance of everything.Your plant's "thirst" for water much depends on its type. Make sure to look up and ask around.
Photo courtesy of sohail na from Pexels
4. Remind yourself by setting an alarm
Remind yourself to take care of your plant; you will only know what it needs every time you check up on it. For a busy millennial where you are always on the go, this one is necessary.
Add it to your reminders and set the alarm on your phone. Use this not only to remind yourself to check up on your indoor house plants but also to remind yourself to get all the necessary supplies.
Make a list of supplies that you need when taking care of your plant. Take into consideration the pot it's on, the soil if you need fertilizer or not. Put this list in an area where you can see it before you leave the condo at the same time put the list on your phone as well so that you could pick up these items after work. Alarms and reminders will be your best friend for taking care of your indoor plants.
Photo courtesy of Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels
5. Have a trusted relative or friend check on your plant
Say you are leaving for a couple of days, it's best to have someone that you trust to check up on your indoor house plant. It can be your best friend, significant other, or even your neighbor you speak to often. If you don't want them in your place ask if it's okay to leave the plants at their home while you are gone.
Make sure you've already have gotten to know your plant so you could leave instructions to your friend or family relative about its care instructions. Also, make sure that these individuals are willing to take care of your plant.
As much as possible, choose someone who owns an indoor house plant themselves and has been taking good care of their plant. This way, you are sure that they could take care of yours; at the same time, you can ask them for some tips to apply to your own once you get back from your trip.
Photo courtesy of Jopwell from Pexels
6. Room temperature has to be set just right
When buying your indoor house plant, before you buy, ask the seller if there's a particular room temperature you have to keep in mind in keeping your plant alive. This factor can also affect the lifespan of your plant. You would need to adjust the settings of your air conditioning.
These are just some of the things that could help you take care of your plant despite your busy schedule. It is essential to know a lot of these requirements, such as having an adequate amount of lighting in your condo unit could be beneficial to keeping your plant alive, and one of the great choices for this is having a place with DMCI Homes who cater to your lifestyle and needs.