Condo renters can be tough to please. Condo rental businesses have a lot of competition, too.
Since condos are being rented out left and right, you would want your unit to stand out from the rest. So while upgrading your unit seems inevitable, it is important to plan your next steps very carefully.
Although renovation ideas abound, it is still important to prioritize ideas that appeal to renters-at-large. This will help you easily catch their eye and have them sign a rental contract in no time.
However, as with any renovation, it is important—first and foremost—to know and understand the condo renovation guidelines for your building. This will help ensure that all your home improvement goals will be realized.
To help you get started, below are nine condo renovation ideas to consider, which will suit the taste of the majority of renters:
1. Get a paint job
Photo courtesy of Jarek Ceborski via Unsplash
Walls tend to deteriorate with age and are usually the first that a possible renter would notice.
If your walls are worn out, consider going for a paint job. Freshly painted walls can help hide small dings and scratches that could otherwise betray the age of your condo unit.
In choosing a paint color, choose a neutral hue that will not overwhelm the senses or become an eyesore. Soft gray, beige, or pastel colors usually work best. For inspiration, think five-star hotel rooms.
2. Declutter
Photo courtesy of Danil Sinantev via Unsplash
Keep in mind that condo units are compact spaces that you have to maximize and make the most out of. Take a good, hard look at all the things that lay around your unit. Does each individual piece still serve its purpose, or has it outlived its usefulness? Perhaps, it’s time to say goodbye to them.
Having said this, decluttering is often neglected by landlords precisely because letting go is often hard. But keep in mind that too many items in your unit can turn off potential renters, too. So, take a deep breath and let your clutter go.
3. Install smart storage spaces
Photo courtesy of Nathan Oakly via Unsplash
The challenge for many renters is how to maximize their condo’s space. They need enough space to fit their items in without overcrowding their living area. This is where smart storage solutions and hacks come in.
As a strategy, how about installing unassuming sturdy boxes in the bedroom? You can place them under the bed and on top of the cabinet for extra storage. You could even paint and glue them to the wall or to your cabinet’s inner door.
Hanging storage is also a good solution for small condo spaces. But remember to use mounting tape in lieu of nails, since making holes in the wall would likely violate your building’s renovation policy.
4. Scrub the bathroom until it’s squeaky clean
Photo courtesy of Sanibell BV via Unsplash
Some renters can be very meticulous about the bathroom; so this is something you need to pay close attention to.
The good thing is that renovations need not always be grand and expensive. In your case, it can be as simple as scrubbing and bleaching the moldy tiles until they look like new, again.
However, don’t let us stop you from swapping out the tired-looking faucets and the sink for modern installations. This will also give you an opportunity to check the plumbing of the bathroom and assess if it’s time to change the pipes, as well.
You can also add a few touch-ups, like a stainless steel towel rack and small plants on your countertop to complete the modern look.
5. Turn your Hell’s kitchen into a Masterchef kitchen
Photo courtesy of Marcin Galusz via Unsplash
The kitchen is another big factor in your condo renovation. Inspect the sink, the faucet, and other areas for rust and fix the problem.
You may also want to upgrade your cabinets and give them a chic makeover. And, while you’re at it, why not extend your paint job to the kitchen walls, as well?
6. Check every major appliance for wear-and-tear
Photo courtesy of Cong Wang via Unsplash
If you’re renting out a semi- or a fully-furnished condo unit, be sure that all included major appliances are in perfect working condition. Renters are willing to pay the extra rental cost; so that buying new appliances is something they need not have to deal with.
Appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and a stove all add value to your condo unit -- provided they are working. If not, take time to replace or repair broken appliances before your next site visit.
7. Provide fast and reliable Internet connection
Photo courtesy of LinkedIn Analytics Tool via Unsplash
Since many adults today work from home, while younger members of the family get home-schooled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, having a fast and reliable Internet connection is an absolute must.
So, make renting your unit even more enticing by speeding up your internet connection, make it faster and more reliable. Remember that most especially today, working or school-aged renters cannot live without the Internet.
8. Screw that faulty wiring
Photo courtesy of Isabella and Zsa Fischer via Unsplash
Faulty wiring is among the most critical fire hazards in any home. Hence, it’s important for landlords like you to prevent such potential accidents from happening to your renters.
So before putting up your condo for rent, have a professional inspect all your unit’s electrical wirings to ascertain their safety.
In doing this project, remember to notify your building’s property manager for proper accountability, in case something goes wrong.
9. Upgrade your lighting fixtures
Photo courtesy of Samantha Gades via Unsplash
If lamps are installed in your condo, consider upgrading them into minimal yet more modern pieces that will fit your condo’s makeover look and space.
Other than the lamps, consider upgrading your room lights into LED bulbs that will provide better lighting yet consume less energy.
Also, consider installing other lighting fixtures, like accent lights, to help create a calm and relaxing mood for your renter at home. These would give your renters more options to choose from instead of just plain old bright lights.
Upgrading your condo can turn your next renter’s dream home into a reality. Keep in mind that there are guidelines to follow. Furthermore, consider trendy yet practical home designs that will appeal to the majority.