A shared space is ideal for yuppies learning the ropes of an independent life in the city. You get to share the rent, utilities, and other expenses. You can also have someone to look after your pets during out-of-town trips. Having a roommate can help when you're experiencing a tough time. Getting over a bad break-up? The presence of other people in your home offers a welcome distraction. Plus, you have someone to listen to your rants.

As much as co-living is beneficial, there are things you should consider such an arrangement. You might be used to living alone and too protective of your personal space. You may also have furry pals your potential roommate should be able to tolerate (and not allergic to). Know common deal breakers that you and your potential company should discuss before sharing a condo home and how to deal with them.

No freeloaders, please!

The primordial consideration in looking for a roommate who can help you pay the bills is someone who CAN pay the bills. Choose a roommate with a stable job and a strong sense of responsibility. You need someone you can depend on for the other half of the expenses, not a freeloader. Be straightforward about it. You need each other's commitment in keeping the household.

Identify your personal spaces

Are you new to the concept of shared space? That's okay. You can safeguard your personal space and privacy even with a roommate. The key is in setting house rules and abiding by them. If you're renting a studio condo, you can separate your sleeping areas with dividers or curtains. A bookshelf can separate parts of your unit in style. Get creative.

There's no harm in sharing some items. Who else can come to your rescue when you run out of shampoo in the morning? But make sure you don't encroach into each other's privacy.

Learn to respect each other's lifestyle

When looking for a roommate, it's advisable to choose someone who shares a similar lifestyle as you. If you're a vegetarian or have a special food preference, it may be better to have a roommate with a similar diet or at least one who wouldn't binge on greasy pizza on weekends. If you're working in shifting schedule, perhaps choose a roommate who doesn't invite guests too often. Trying to sleep at 8 AM for your graveyard isn't an easy undertaking.

“Who shall scrub the bathroom today?”

One of the most common deal breakers among roommates involves house cleanliness. Nothing can be more irritating than coming home to a sink full of dirty dishes and a stinking bathroom. Delegate housekeeping tasks and post your schedule in a conspicuous area. Who scrubs the bathroom on which days? Who cleans the fridge, the kitchen cabinets, etc? Set a strict rule of washing your own dishes as soon as you finish your meals.

Keep your home clutter-free

Your condo home may be dust-free, fragrant even, but with clothes strewn all over the place, your home will look untidy. Discuss with your roommate the need to keep your place uncluttered. This will ensure you keep your belongings within your personal spaces and avoid commingling your stuff. Allot sufficient storage for each of you. Seeing someone use your favorite shirt can be a real deal breaker.

To have pets or not to have pets

Condo living is ideal for pet owners. DMCI Homes condo communities are equipped with 24/7 security, making sure your dogs and cats are safe. There are many pet-friendly amenities, even a dedicated pet elevator in high-rise projects.

Let your potential roommate know about your furry pals. He/she may have pet allergies or not comfy with a dog or cat at home. The same goes for you. Agree whether or not to have pets in your shared space.

Compromise sometimes

Don't underestimate the impact of neglected soiled clothes on your relationship as roommates. If you have bad habits, it's better to call out on each other early on. Don't let minor annoyances accumulate and burst in a single explosive incident.

It's okay to be organized at home, but once you start living with someone, you need to compromise sometimes. Your roommate may have habits that you don't want, but as long as you can discuss how it won't affect your harmonious arrangement, learn to adjust too.

Let the other know of guests coming by

You and your roommate will be inviting guests sometimes. That's okay. What's important is you let the other know ahead of time. You wouldn't want to wake up to strangers rummaging in your kitchen. If any of you is throwing a party, consider reserving the condo function hall or clubhouse. There are amenities you can use for social gatherings. Have a weekend picnic with relatives by the open grill or an afternoon of water activities in the leisure pool.

Are you okay with sleepovers?

If one of you is in a relationship, it's necessary to set rules about partners spending time in your shared space. Be sensitive of each other's privacy. Discuss this matter with your roommate before entering into a co-living arrangement. You might not be comfortable with his/her partner sleeping over, and vice versa.

Introduce your roommate to your introvert world

Introverts need time to be alone to recharge. If you're an introvert, living with a roommate might be a challenge. People often mistake your silence as aloofness or loneliness. Let your roommate know about your introvert personality. Your silence doesn't mean you're in a foul mood. You're just “in your zone.”

Having a roommate can also help you open up more to people and be more comfortable with your personality. An introvert and an extrovert can make a fun company, don't you think?

Consider co-living. It can make your financial obligations more manageable and your life a little less stressful. Imagine having someone share the burden of scrubbing the toilet and cleaning the sink pipes. A roommate is also a company during tough and stressful times. Who doesn't need a friend to listen you rant about work over beer? Check out DMCI Homes online availability and start looking for that potential roommate!