Condo parking spaces are perennial deal breakers. It’s a battlefield out there. There are never enough parking slots for everyone. Car owners spend some half an hour going around in circles trying to find that one elusive spot. It doesn’t matter where you are—mall, bank, church, business districts, or just visiting a friend in a busy subdivision—chances, you are in for some parking challenge. If you are a condo owner or renter, you probably also know by now that the culture of condo parking in the Philippines is also not parking heaven. But hey, it should not be that bad either.
Condo parking issues are among the common condo rants. Most condos for sale in the Philippines are not bundled with a parking space. A slot can be bought with a separate title and therefore separate cost. This is to give buyers an option whether to buy a parking space or not. This is seen to be more practical instead of automatically adding the cost to a condo unit’s price. What if you just want to lease out your condo? What if you don’t have a car and intend to commute since major condos in the Philippines are near public transportation anyway? What if you can’t drive? Understand that the building code provides a ratio or square meter over parking making a purchase optional.
Truthfully speaking, condo living has its own share of frustrations but nothing that can’t be solved with a little creativity, street-smart cool, and diplomacy. Worry about your condo parking problems no more with these ways on how to handle them.
It Won’t Hurt To Ask

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If your unit doesn’t come with a parking slot, it won’t hurt to ask the management about your options. Is there a common parking area for residents and guests? Do you need to get a pass? How long can you stay there? Review condo documents about parking regulations. Remember that condos value their residents and will most likely have provisions to help you out.
Parking For Rent

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In a condo community, it is not only the actual units that are leased out. Some owners also rent out parking spaces - a very profitable venture, in fact. And since a significant number of buyers do not avail of a car slot, find out if the unassigned parking spaces can be rented out by residents temporarily. Your building manager must be aware of available parking slots and it’s worth a try to inquire about it.
Neighbor To The Rescue
For all you know, your neighbor is the answer to your condo parking problem. If your neighbor has a parking slot, you might want to try to make a deal with him. This will especially work if you have different working hours. For example, you work on a regular shift and he works on the graveyard shift, you can propose to use the slot at night while he can have the space during the day. Split the monthly payment for the slot or agree on a payment term. Or maybe you have a friend who lives in a secured subdivision nearby. That’s also a good option to explore.
Can You Afford Private Pay Parking?

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There are more vehicles now than the city can handle. Everywhere you look, there is a vehicle probably parked illegally. But if you are determined to avoid condo parking problems and the hassle of first-come first-served common parking area, you might have to start looking for private parking spaces. Makati, Ortigas, and Bonifacio Global City have a lot of parking buildings and fenced parking lots with 24/7 parking attendants. The rates can be a killer, though. However, there are parking spaces that do not mind getting into an agreement with frequent customers. If you work or live in a nearby building, you can ask the parking management if you can pay a fixed amount on a weekly or monthly basis instead of actual hourly rates.
Street Parking, Anyone?

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No car owner would want to park his vehicle on the street. Aside from the dangers of theft and carnapping, there’s also vandalism and the danger of being side-swept by other vehicles. There’s also towing depending on the ordinance of the city you live in. Unfortunately, some car owners do not really have a choice. In case this happens, choose a slot in the street closest to the condo building where you can politely ask security guards to watch the car for you. Choose a well-lit and low-traffic area. If there’s a police or barangay outpost nearby, that would also be a good spot. If you can afford it, you can ask someone like “parking attendants” on the street to keep an eye on your car. For added safety, make sure your doors and windows are locked, your side mirrors are secure, and you have installed an alarm system.
Strict Enforcement

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People are going to keep breaking rules if enforcement is weak. Always report parking problems and violators to management and make them aware that residents are taking notice. Parking attendants who are extra nice and accommodating to some tenants and strict with others should not be tolerated, not in condo communities where every little bit of space is valued. Do your part and be a responsible condo resident.
Keep Calm At All Times
There’s road rage and there’s parking rage. Parking disputes happen everywhere so relax and keep calm when it happens to you. Do not make your condo parking issues look bigger than it really is. Someone parked in your private and paid slot? Someone is parking too long and too frequently in a visitor car park? Someone side-swept your vehicle? Someone got into your slot when you are obviously waiting to get in for hours? Stay calm and talk. If necessary, ask management to mediate. You can file a formal complaint if you want. Avoid getting physical and never resort to vehicle damage.
Respect for space is vital in dealing with condo parking problems. Follow rules and do not be afraid to explore your options. A car, like a condo, is a valuable investment and knowing that it is safe and secure will give you invaluable peace of mind.