While the rainy season may bring you relief from the harsh summer heat, it can also cause serious damage to condo if you’re not careful. Thankfully, there are easy and effective ways to ensure that renting in the Philippines is safe and comfortable when monsoon strikes. While DMCI properties are built to endure weather conditions, taking extra care of your condo never hurts. Here are 8 items to include in your rainy day checklist.
1. Ensure waterproof and leak-free windows

Photo courtesy of unsplash.com via Pexels
A common problem in condo leasing in the Philippines is dripping windows. While most condos today have sturdy windows designed to withstand heavy rains, these windows still require regular maintenance. Ensure your condo windows are waterproof and leak-free. You need not replace all of your windows. Simple renovations such as window realignment and applying waterproofing solvents are usually enough. To prepare your windows for typhoons, make sure they close and seal properly. While hurricanes are uncommon in the Philippines, a tightly-sealed, hurricane-proof window can improve your condo’s thermal efficiency and dramatically reduce traffic noise.
2. Have a system for storing wet shoes

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Wet and muddy shoes are a bane during rainy season. They dirty and ruin your condo floor, not to mention bring in bacteria and toxins. If your lessors don’t observe proper shoe storage, your condo will suffer in the long run. Establish a rain-ready shoe storage system. Consider adding a dip tray as a DIY solution for wet and muddy shoes. It can be your single most effective line of defense against grubby shoes. A dip tray will instantly provide order, symmetry and protection even when it comes to a hodgepodge of shoes. A shoe bin is another storage solution worth considering. It takes less space and can easily store a number of shoes. If you prefer a shoe cabinet or open shoe rack, place it by the main door and add rags to help absorb dirt and water.
3. Protect metal fixtures and furniture

Photo courtesy of guoyakun via Pixabay
A number of condos for rent incorporate metal in their design. The advantages of metal as a design material include style and durability. That archaeologists are able to excavate metal objects from several millennia ago is testament to metal’s resilience. However, despite its longevity, metal is prone to rust and corrosion during the rainy season. Metal railings and furniture need to be taken care of before the rainy season arrives. Coat your metal fixtures and furniture with rust-proof paint. If paint is not an option, protective solvents such as paste wax and grease are excellent alternatives. You may also consider covering your outdoor metal furniture or storing them indoors.
4. Repair damp and cracked walls

Photo courtesy of ulleo via Pixabay
Damp and cracked walls indicate a host of serious problems, which include peeling paint, leakage, fungus and mold. During rainy season, moisture can seep through exterior walls, causing damage on indoor walls. Prolonged exposure to moisture also weakens your condo’s walls and overall structure. Check for cracks near the door and window frames. These gaps will have to be filled with a crack fill putty. Remember that repairing cracked and damp walls is more effective when done before the monsoon starts.
5. Control indoor humidity

Photo courtesy of Vlad Kovriga via Pexels
The humidity and fluctuating temperature during the monsoon season usually cause people to become ill. For people with allergies and respiratory problems, the situation is more difficult. Moist condo air can aggravate health problems and make recovery hard. It’s important to keep your condo air clean and free of excess moisture. Ideally, room temperature should be 5 to 8 degrees Celsius lower than outdoor temperature. It is also advisable to open windows every now and then for ventilation. Using a fan and a small dehumidifier can also drastically contribute to improved air quality. Avoid drying your clothes inside the condo as this will increase the indoor humidity level.
6. Safeguard your wooden furniture

Photo courtesy of Pexels via Pixabay
Apart from doing fun activities to beat boredom, your rainy day checklist should include protecting your wooden furniture from humidity. As in the case of metal furniture, the rainy season can cause wooden furniture to rapidly deteriorate. The main problem to confront is moisture. Wooden furniture have a tendency to attract moisture, so things like lacquer, sealant, oil and wax will provide protection. Pay special attention to cross-sections and edges. Keeping your interior ventilated will also help in preserving furniture. If you have wooden furniture in your balcony, the basic precautionary measure is to move them indoors.
7. Watch out for indoor flooding
Indoor flooding is a nightmare for condo-dwellers. Causes include burst pipes, faulty appliances, and heavy rainfall. Sometimes, it only takes a leak to turn your condo upside down, leaving you in distress and costing you thousands of pesos in damages. Preventing indoor flooding is easier in condos than in homes at a low elevation. To effectively avoid the problem, you may have to check the unit directly above yours. A leak in your upstairs neighbor’s condo kitchen can trickle down to your space. When unexpected indoor flooding happens, move all the things than can be damaged by water, such as electronics and furniture. Get assistance from the condo management, who may have to use a water suction right away.
8. Dry your umbrella
Wet umbrellas are standard during rainy season. If left unattended, however, wet umbrellas can lead to drippy condo floors. Whatever the condo size, there is always a storage solution for wet umbrellas. Having an umbrella holder at the entryway or near the foyer is one of the simplest yet most effective rainy day tips during monsoon season. Pegs and umbrella hangers are great options for smaller spaces. To dry wet umbrellas fast, an environment-friendly solution is a rain wipe. Originating in Japan, a rain wipe uses absorbent materials that pull water from a wet umbrella into a collecting tray. It’s more effective than placing umbrellas in plastic bags and requires less energy than umbrella blow dryers.
The monsoon season can be quite a hassle for a lot of people, but there are a number of hacks you can do to make life easier, even when you’re in your condo.
Keeping your condo safe and dry during the monsoon season is a concern that need not burden you. Following these 8 effective tips will help maintain the beauty and quality of your condo long after the rainy season has passed.