The city is full of millennials trying to forge a path of their own and having their little adventures and stories to tell. From a girl who sets out to escape heartbreak to a student who tries to assert her independence, you will find many of their stories relatable. Are you out to set your own path as well? Are you in the process of moving to a DMCI condo in the city? Here are some stories you will be able to relate to.

Too many great options

Linda had just gotten a new job offer and was eager to take it. It was her dream job after all. Finally, she’d get the chance to be a writer for her favorite magazine. One big problem though:  she lives too far away from the office! Taking a daily commute from Pampanga to the metro is no easy feat. And she knew she’d be crazy to even consider it. But then she’d be even crazier to turn down the job. So off she went for a house search. She soon realized that it wasn’t going to be easy, and not because she couldn’t find a good one, but because there were too many great options it was so hard to choose! The agent was taking her from one DMCI condo to another (she didn’t realize there were many of them!). Thanks to her agent’s patient prodding, she finally resolved to take a studio unit right at the heart of Taguig. Its proximity to her place of work sealed the deal for her.

Trying to be a strong, independent woman

One of the most exciting things that ever happened to Jenny was when she moved to her new condo. She excitedly packed her stuff and would not stop gushing, telling everyone at home that “Yey! I am finally a strong, independent woman.” Her sisters gave a chuckle as she said goodbye with her mom and dad in tow. “So much for being an independent woman!,” they teasingly told her.

Jenny started decorating her new home and getting things in order with the help of her mother. But determined to be the “strong, independent woman” that she was, she asked her mom to leave her to her own devices. And so there she was surrounded by all sorts of stuff that seemed to weave into an uncontrollable knot. Who was she kidding? She needed her mom. And so she raised the white flag to her mom who was laughing uncontrollably, albeit lovingly.

When cooking starts to feel like rocket science

Tony had just moved into his condo. Although excited for his new life, it wasn’t long before he started missing home — really missing home. In the hopes of feeling like he’s home again, Tony started cooking up an idea that he thought was brilliant at first. He was going to cook his favorite sinigang, just like the one his lola prepared at home. Although he’s never tried his luck in the kitchen before, he imagined that it couldn’t be that hard. So off he went and started to get busy. He looked up the recipe online, and felt it was pretty simple until, of course, he started cooking. It soon felt more like rocket science to him. Worse, what he ended up having was not edible to him at all, at least not to someone who was used to good food. So he ended up ordering takeout instead and drowning his homesickness with beer.

Home is where the heart is

All Gina had ever wanted was to finally leave home. She was just tired of everything — her mom’s nagging, her dad’s strict ways, and her brother’s teasing. So she took the first opportunity she got to leave home. She was to study at Ateneo de Manila University. Together with her batchmates in high school, she was to move into a DMCI condo for rent in Quezon City. She loved the idea of finally experiencing condo living and being surrounded by friends, and finally escaping the shackles of home. Before long, she was done with packing and was ready to leave. But that was when reality kicked in. She was gonna miss home. She hadn’t left yet, but she was already homesick. She loved everything about her home after all. Yes, even her mom’s incessant nagging, his dad’s overprotective ways, and her brother’s merciless teasing. These were how they expressed their love after all. Since then, she always calls her parents and have them visit her. After a few months, she found the DMCI condo she is renting, her second home.

A blessing disguised as a heartbreak

men heartbreak signGif courtesy of Screen Media Films via Pixabay

Jennifer had been in a relationship for five years at the time. It was with her highschool sweetheart. For the most part of her youth, her life revolved around her boyfriend. And she expected it to be that way for the rest of their lives. But she eventually learned that he was cheating on her. When she confronted him, he didn’t even apologize. He was tired of her clingy ways, he told her. Heartbroken and downtrodden, Jennifer felt that she had to get away,  not only from her boyfriend but from her town as well. There were just too many memories back there. So off she went to the big city and moved to a room for rent in Makati. Set in a DMCI condo, it proved to be just the solace she needed. The resort-like feel of her new home helped her feel more at ease. And the solitude helped her stay in touch with her own inner thoughts and feelings. She soon realized that her boyfriend was right. She clung to him so much she’d even forgotten who she was as an individual. Her heartbreak turned out to be a blessing in disguise. She liked who she was becoming.

From being sheltered to having adventures out in the wild

Leslie was living on her own for the first time. Coming from a big family, she wasn’t used to spending time alone at home. While independent living didn’t particularly scare her, the boredom was starting to gnaw at her. So she decided to learn how to swim at the condo pool. The sheltered child that she was, there were a lot of things she could not do. But swimming proved to be some sort of a gateway drug for her. Once she started to learn it, she craved to do more. Before long, she was going to many places and having one adventure after another. Boredom was soon out of her vocabulary and she was having the time of her life!

No longer caged

Clarissa is your classic probinsyana. As a young girl, she mostly spent most of her time indoors, helping out with the household chores. Every Sunday, she’d don a Sunday dress and attend church with her grandmother. Sometimes she’d go to town with her friends, but mostly only to do some shopping and eat at restaurants. Although she’s always been the good daughter following everyone’s bidding, she’s harbored a fire within her that she felt would soon burst out. She simply couldn’t keep it in for too long. And so when her 18th birthday came, she announced the big news. She wanted to study at the University of the Philippines, Diliman campus. It was either that or she wasn’t going to college at all. Her conservative mom and grandma did not take the news very well. But her dad saw a spark in her that he couldn’t help but admire. His daughter was becoming a woman of her own. And it made him proud. So off she went to college, with the blessings of his dad who even secured a condo for her. Now she doesn't feel too caged anymore. Not even when all she does is read outdoors at the expansive DMCI condo property. Freedom, it just feels so good.

Can you relate to any of the stories above? Have you experienced independent living that turned into a rewarding adventure? Or have you just moved into a new condo and are now braving a new milestone? Whatever chapter in your life you may be in, make sure you make it interesting. Be willing to go and set your own path. You owe it to yourself!